Date(s) - 10/21/2016
8:00 pm
Premier Santana tribute band Milagro will be playing Havana New Hope on Oct. 21.
Milagro was formed in 2005 by a group of musicians in order to accurately reproduce the Santana sound, staying as close to the original arrangements as possible, while spreading the joy of Santana’s music to new and old fans alike, says the band.
“This vision continues today with an impressive collection of Santana’s songs in the band’s repertoire,” they said in a press release.
By 2013, the band’s lineup had changed, except for two original members, to reflect the current membership and ever-expanding venue roster and gig schedule.
Santana was formed in San Francisco, California in 1967 by Mexican-American guitarist Carlos Santana. The band’s first big break came with their iconic performance of “Soul Sacrifice” at Woodstock in 1969. Their first album, “Santana,” was a smash, and the subsequent “Abraxis” and “Santana III” also sold well.
Milagro will take the stage at Havana on Friday, Oct. 21, at 8 p.m. (doors open 6 p.m.). Tickets are available online and cost $15, with limited reserved tables, and bar and loft seating.
Havana is located at 105 S. Main St. in New Hope; (215) 862-5501.
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