Eugene R. Gladston, 91, of New Hope, formerly of New York City, passed away Wednesday morning, Feb...
Category - Around Town
News for New Hope and Solebury PA and Lambertville NJ | police, business, notices and other local news
Solebury police investigating thefts from cars in North Pointe
The Solebury Township Police Department said Saturday that it is investigating a series of thefts...
New Hope Run Club hosts annual Zebra 5K To highlight rare diseases
Rare Disease Day is approaching, and to support St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital, New...
Borough permit fees for New Hope-Solebury campus construction questioned at meeting
Solebury resident Stan Marcus is hopping mad. He claims that New Hope Borough overcharged the local...
New Hope-Solebury awarded state grant for computer science and robotics
New Hope-Solebury School District has been awarded a $35,000 grant from PAsmart to enhance computer...
New Hope Seafood Market opens for business on South Main Street
Now here’s a first for New Hope: a fresh fish store right in the heart of the downtown...
No property tax increase in 2020 New Hope budget passed Tuesday
New Hope Borough Council passed a budget for 2020 at its Tuesday night meeting that holds the line...
‘Burlesque in Bucks’ event in Lambertville to raise funds for FACT Bucks County
Music Mountain Theatre in Lambertville will host “Burlesque in Bucks LIVE” on Jan. 26...
New Hope officials expect to reactivate historic review board in January
New Hope Borough Council plans to appoint new members to its Historical Architectural Review Board...
Prominent New Hope home demolished without borough approval
New Hope residents on their way to vote on Nov. 5 were treated to a shocking sight: a locally...