New Hope Borough won a grant recently that will allow them to pay $500 to five volunteer firefighters at the New Hope Eagle Fire Company with at least 100 hours of service.
The bulk of volunteer firefighters in New Hope Borough and across all of Pennsylvania do not receive any compensation for their service.
Volunteer fire companies across the state and nation are struggling with retaining and getting new members.
The grant will be crucial because the bulk of the fire company’s $850,000 budget comes from donations and fundraising, fire company Vice President Keller Taylor said.
Councilman Pete Meyer said the council should try to raise this amount of funding for the fire company and called it ridiculous that not all volunteer firefighters are paid.
Mayor Larry Keller thanked the volunteers, with many members in attendance at the council meeting, for their service and professionalism.
He also mentioned the Logan Inn fire that occurred last year as an example of the fire company’s excellence.
The New Hope Eagle Fire Company has several ambitious plans for this year.
During a presentation the fire company gave to borough council members, Taylor stated they want to replace Engine 46 by 2027. The fire company has owned the engine for 24 years.
The fire company also outlined goals that will help them improve recruitment and retention efforts.
Last year, the fire company hired their first paid chief in their history by hiring Gary Breuer last year. Breuer has 40 years of experience as a firefighter.
The New Hope Eagle Fire Company was established in 1822 and one of the oldest fire departments in the entire country.

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