Neighbors Schools

Club Awards Scholarships To South Hunterdon Regional High School Students

The Kalmia Club has awarded annual scholarships to four deserving graduates of South Hunterdon Regional High School as part of its commitment to supporting young women’s education.

From left, Kalmia President Nancy Campbell, 2024 scholarship recipients Mya Barlow, Stella Reed, Irene Li, Natalie Roberts and Community Outreach Co-Chair Barb Hencheck.

The Kalmia Club has awarded annual scholarships to four deserving graduates of South Hunterdon Regional High School as part of its commitment to supporting young women’s education.

The 2024 scholarship recipients, Mya Barlow, Stella Reed, Irene Li, and Natalie Roberts, were selected by the Kalmia Community Outreach Committee based on their community service, leadership activities, and reflective essays.

The scholarships are primarily funded through proceeds from the Kalmia Club’s annual event, the Hidden Gardens of Lambertville tour, which was held this year on June 8.

Contributions from local businesses and community members bolster the scholarship fund. Notable donations included support from The River House at Odette’s and individual contributions from Kalmia members Michelle Romeo, Terri O’Donnell, and Lynne Brennan. Additionally, Dr. Mehmet Unsal Calis made a donation in memory of his mother, Hatice Calis.

In addition to scholarships, the Kalmia Club also offers an opportunity for juniors at South Hunterdon Regional High School to experience college life firsthand.

From left, Kalmia Club GCI coordinator Cheryl Cvetan, 2024 scholarship recipients Kadie Fleming and Yesenia Guerra and committee member Deb Kelly.

This year, Kadie Fleming and Yesenia Guerra were awarded a week-long stay at Rutgers’ Douglas College.

During their stay, they will live in college dorms, attend lectures, and participate in workshops designed to help them explore career paths and build networks.

The initiative is made possible through generous donations from Diane Walker-Torkelson and Norman Torkelson.

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