
Local Officials Respond To Attack On Israel

Read what local officials said.

Israeli police responding to the attack.

Elected officials and lawmakers from the area have spoken out following an attack by Hamas against Israel over the weekend.

Hundreds have been killed in Israel and Gaza, and Hamas continues to hold an unknown number of Israeli hostages who were kidnapped during the violent attack that took place in multiple cities.

Gov. Josh Shapiro speaking to reporters. File photo.

Gov. Josh Shapiro, a Democrat:

“I condemn the horrific acts of war in Israel by Hamas and their enablers. These attacks on innocent Israeli civilians are abhorrent and warrant world condemnation and outrage. Our family has shared many special moments in Israel and our hearts break for those living this horror now. We stand in solidarity against terror and are praying for all people in Israel.”

Gov. Phil Murphy speaking with reporters. File photo.

Gov. Phil Murphy, a Democrat:

Sen. Bob Casey speaking on April 10, 2023.
Credit: PA Internet News Service

U.S. Sen. Bob Casey, a Democrat:

“Hamas has launched a coordinated terrorist attack against Israel, starting with thousands of rockets fired upon innocent Israelis and continued violence throughout the day. The United States must stand with Israel and its right to self-defense.

“This is a tragic day. Hundreds are already dead and countless Israeli and Palestinian civilians are at risk because of this needless slaughter.”

U.S. Sen. Cory Booker. File photo

U.S. Sen. Cory Booker, a Democrat:

John Fetterman speaking. File photo.
Credit: PA Internet News Service

U.S. Sen. John Fetterman, a Democrat:

“We now know this was a wide-scale, premeditated, cowardly, terrorist campaign against Israeli civilians that also claimed the lives of American citizens. 

“I unequivocally support any necessary military, intelligence, and humanitarian aid to Israel. The United States has a moral obligation to be in lockstep with our ally as they confront this threat. 

“I also fully support Israel neutralizing the terrorists responsible for this barbarism.”

U.S. Sen. Bob Menendez  in 2020. File photo.

U.S. Sen. Bob Menendez, a Democrat:

“Hamas, the Iran-backed terrorists, has murdered more than 700 Israelis. For population perspective, this is roughly equivalent to the 9/11 attacks on the United States, multiplied by seven. Every single one of those lives lost tears apart the fabric of a family and of a community. May each and every one of their memories be a blessing.

“At the same time, families are in crisis as they seek to locate their children, parents, and grandparents who have been kidnapped and held hostage by Hamas terrorists.

“We pray for each and every family. The magnitude of their pain is incomprehensible.

“Many New Jersey families proudly have strong ties to Israel. Please do not hesitate to reach out to our office with inquiries concerning the current situation. U.S. citizens seeking to be in touch with the U.S. Embassy in Israel can fill out this form:

“Israel’s allies must step up at this moment. In the Senate, we should move expeditiously to confirm the nomination of Jack Lew as U.S. Ambassador to Israel. Republicans and Democrats in Congress must also advance measures to provide Israel all the resources needed to fully defend itself, including a replenishment of missile defenses for Iron Dome and supplemental funding. A true ally celebrates Israel on its best days and stands firm in its defense on its worst days.”

Congressman Brian Fitzpatrick speaking.
Credit: Tom Sofield/

Congressman Brian Fitzpatrick, a Republican:

“Horrific scenes of unprovoked attacks by Hamas terrorists on innocent Israeli civilians, including children.

“The United States will continue to stand with our friend and ally, and ensure that Israel has the resources to defend itself and defeat genocidal terrorists. I stand with Israel.”

Congressman Tom Kean. File photo.

Congressman Tom Kean, a Republican:

“I strongly condemn the unprovoked terrorist war against Israel led by Iran-backed Hamas. The United States and the civilized world stands with Israel in their right to self-defense and against terrorism. Israel has the right to protect its citizens and will do so in the pursuit of peace.”

State Sen. Steve Santarsiero speaking.
Credit: Tom Sofield/

The Pennsylvania Democratic Jewish Legislative Caucus, which includes State Sen. Steve Santarsiero and State Rep. Tim Brennan Jewish Legislative Caucus:

“While our caucus embraces and celebrates diversity of culture, artistic expression, and freedom of speech, we are deeply disappointed to learn that the event includes speakers who have been clearly identified with antisemitic statements and tropes, such as Roger Waters, who recently dressed in a Nazi-like uniform at a concert and has made antisemitic statements in the past, Randa Abdel-Fattah, who recently called Israel ‘a demonic, sick project’ and said she ‘can’t wait for the day we commemorate its end,’ and others.

“The 10 days between Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur – known as the Days of Awe – are some of the holiest days on the Jewish calendar and are marked by humility, self-reflection and the repairing and forging of bonds. It is a time in which the many Jewish students, educators, neighbors and others in the University of Pennsylvania community will seek peace, understanding and reconciliation with those around them.

“We support and encourage creating spaces for the discussion and celebration of Palestinian art, literature and culture. We simply believe that this celebration should not include individuals with a history of divisive, antisemitic rhetoric, which is antithetical to the mutual respect, understanding, and healing we all need to move forward.”

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