West Mechanic Street in New Hope is closed to vehicular traffic on weekends to allow restaurants to expand outdoor dining onto the roadway.
Two Bucks lawmakers on Friday said that Gov. Wolf’s office had told them the county would be allowed to move into green on June 26, barring any spikes in new infections over the next week.
“Many of us hoped it would be a week earlier – the 19th – but they are taking this week and next week to evaluate,” State Sen. Steve Santarsiero told LevittownNow.com. State Rep. John Galloway confirmed the report.
Despite the county’s continued success in limiting the spread of coronavirus, Bucks was not among the eight counties that will be allowed to move from the yellow stage to green this coming week under Gov. Tom Wolf’s reopening plan.
Those counties – Dauphin, Franklin, Huntingdon, Luzerne, Monroe, Perry, Pike and Schuylkill – are all located far from Southeast Pennsylvania, where many of the remaining 13 yellow counties are located.
Those 13 counties include Berks, Bucks, Chester, Delaware, Erie, Lackawanna, Lancaster, Lebanon, Lehigh, Montgomery, Northampton, Philadelphia and Susquehanna counties.
Of the 16 new covid-19 infections reported Friday in Bucks, five were spread through household contacts, three were community spread, two are long-term care residents, and one was spread at a workplace. Five were unable to be interviewed immediately.
Four of the cases were delayed reports from more than two weeks ago, meaning they are no longer considered infectious.
One death was reported – a 76-year-old man with underlying health conditions who lived in a long-term care facility. A total of 485 Bucks County residents who have tested positive for covid-19 have died, while 2,226 are confirmed to have recovered.
I Aam glad to have governor who is smart enough to follow the task force’s guidelines to reopen! Not everyone cares about keeping people safe. THE Amish Market in Bristol already stopped requiring customers from wear long masks..
Do as I say, not as I do. Wolf is a joke. Covid is a virus just like the flu. Get over it and move on. It’s all about power. We need a Conservative governor in this state.
Wow! The caption screws the merchants of Mechanic St. royally! The shops are not closed on the weekend! These merchants are trying to survive as well so how about a little respect for the people who make the town so quaint and special? Restaurants aren’t the only ones open people; just so you know.
485 deaths the Bucks County population 638,000.Can anyone tell me the stats on this maybe Governor Wolf can.How many died in car accidents in Bucks? Heart attacks? Depression and suicide?How many died in Philadelphia violently in March,April,May.You may be surprised at the answers IF YOU REALLY I MEAN REALLY CARED.Yes any life is sad to lose but start waking up to driven agendas.
Hr 836 ended the declaration there is no green any more!
Sadly the Emperor Wolf does not listen to mere mortals.They can riot and protest in large numbers with no masks and social distancing by the thousands BUT that is OK with him.Dare to open a Hair Salon and the wraith of Wolf is upon you.Make sure economy fails everyone dependent on government and his dreams have come true.In his case it was never about health since he sent thousands to die in Nursing Homes throughout the state.