SWAT team at the ready on West Ferry Street Sunday night. Vaportimme pictured far left; Logan Inn to the right. (Photo: Steve Lau)
A reported shooting at an apartment over the Vaportimme vape store at 15 W. Ferry St. in New Hope on Sunday turned out to be a hoax, according to New Hope Mayor Larry Keller.
New Hope Police had received a call around 4:30 p.m. from a man claiming to have shot his girlfriend there.
Rumors abounded through the evening that the alleged shooter was holed up in the apartment claiming to possess pipe bombs.

SWAT team staging on South Main Street at the Parry Mansion just off West Ferry Street in New Hope Sunday night. (Photo: Steve Lau)
Earlier Sunday, the Logan Inn, directly across the street from the supposed scene, was evacuated.
Police armed with AR-15s could be seen in the streets, as many Sunday evening revelers went about their evenings, unaware of the tense situation unfolding.
Law enforcement personnel from New Hope, Solebury Township and Lambertville had cordoned off the streets surrounding West Ferry.
A SWAT team deployed on West Ferry Street across from Vaportimme Sunday evening, as the incident dragged on.
Finally, at 9:05 p.m., New Hope Mayor Larry Keller confirmed that the entire incident had been an apparent “hoax,” although details were not immediately available.
Bucks County District Attorney Matthew D. Weintraub said Sunday night that his team was trying to determine the identity of the prankster.
I Love New Hope come here all the time it’s sad when soameone try to put towns ppl and police at risk the did a great job hope they get the prankster jerk
In the following of a possible crisis Sunday night, I just want to express deepest thanks to all the personnel from Larry Keller and Mike Cummings on down for the handling of a situation that could have been devastating for our town, our patrons,our friends and neighbors. Perhaps we, as a community at times, take their skills for granted and it takes a flood, fire or, in this case, a somewhat different event to remind us just how skilled and “On top of their game” these people really are.
So next time you see them on the street, please stop and thank them for what they do.
Because Sunday night…. They DID it & They were THERE.
Very well said. Thank you for writing your note of thanks. I agree completely.
Very well-expressed! These public servants are really critical assets…
Thank you to all who responded.
Hope they get the prankster. I love the areas of Lambertville and New Hope. Persons who try to tarnish a town with this type of nonsense are total losers. They put the police/first responders and the town’s folk at risk.