Lisa Alexander, meditation teacher and certified master sound therapist, will speak about sound healing and vibrational therapy at the New Hope Metaphysical Society meeting on Wednesday, May 24.
Alexander is the creator, practitioner and teacher of the Alexander Method of Vibrational Sound & Energy Therapy, and she’ll explain and demonstrate how she “facilitates the release of blocked energy in the body, as well as stimulates the flow of energy throughout the body by implementing the frequencies of uniquely-designed tuning forks, calibrated to the frequencies of ancient Solfeggio tones,” according to her promotional material.
“The chi flow, as well as the vibrational rate of the energy field of the body, is cleared, balanced, elevated, strengthened and optimized, by resonating to these frequencies.” Got that?

This artwork has nothing to do with New Hope Metaphysical Society, but the image provided was too small, and we love Steve Ditko.
Alexander says the method has been known to dramatically reduce stress, help with sleep issues, reduce addictions, improve mental clarity and bring about dramatic emotional and physical healing.
Alexander will detail her healing technique and how she created it, and give a demonstration of her sound therapy with the tuning forks, while guiding the audience through an energy (chakra) clearing meditation. A Q&A session follows.
It all takes place on Wednesday, May 24, at 7:30 p.m. at Pebble Hill Church, 320 Edison-Furlong Road, in Doylestown. Admission to the program is $15 at the door, or $10 online. Refreshments will be available throughout the evening, and off-street parking is available. Call (215) 242- 0185 for more info.
Founded in 1990, the New Hope Metaphysical Society (NHMS) is an organization dedicated to “making this world a better place by promoting spiritual ideals, universal laws and metaphysical principles to the community at large.”
PHANTASM COMICS in New Hope approves of your use of Ditko art!