Current New Hope Mayor Laurence D. “Larry” Keller and Geri Delevich are unopposed in seeking their respective party’s nomination for mayor.
With May 16 primary elections fast approaching, the following is a list of New Hope and Solebury candidates running for office, courtesy of the Bucks County Board of Elections:
New Hope-Solebury School District Board of School Directors (four-year term; vote for not more than four):
Democrats: Elizabeth K. Sheehan, Deirdre Alderfer, Adrienne Deussing, Dana Schwartz, Andrew Ordover
Republicans: Elizabeth K. Sheehan, Deirdre Alderfer, Adrienne Deussing, Dana Schwartz, Andrew Ordover
New Hope Borough Mayor (four-year term; vote for one):
Democrat: Geri Delevich
Republican: Laurence D. Keller
New Hope Borough Borough Council (four-year term; vote for not more than four):
Democrats: Peter Meyer, Dan Dougherty, Tina Leifer Rettig, Connie Gering
Republicans: None
Solebury Township Board of Supervisors (six-year term; vote for one):
Democrats: Robert McEwan, Paul Cosdon
Republican: Dominic C. Marano
New Hope Borough Tax Collector (four-year term; vote for one):
Democrat: Liz Miles
Republican: Denton Kanouff
Solebury Township Tax Collector (four-year term; vote for one):
Democrat: Dotty Carr
Republicans: Bob Carr, Chris Nally
Solebury Township Auditor (two-year term; vote for one):
Democrat: William J. Birnes
Republican: No
Solebury Township Lower 1 Inspector of Elections (four-year term; vote for one):
Democrat: Deborah Peckman
Republican: No
Solebury Township Lower 2 Inspector of Elections (four-year term; vote for one):
Democrat: Kathleen M. O’Brien
Republican: No
Solebury Township Upper Judge of Elections (four-year term,; vote for one):
Democrat: Douglas G. Shaw
Republican: J. Walter Livezey III
Monday, April 17, is the last day to register to vote in the May 16, 2017 municipal primary. The general election will be held on November 7, 2017.
Information about the state’s online registration option is available on the Bucks County website. Voter registration paper applications are available at post offices, libraries, state liquor stores and municipal buildings. Questions can be directed to the Voter Registration office at (215) 348-6163.
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