SPENDING SPREE: Pennsylvania Gov. Tom Wolf plans to increase spending as a way of fighting a $2 billion budget deficit.
By Evan Grossman / PAWatchdog.org
Gov. Tom Wolf delivered a blistering budget address Tuesday in Harrisburg in which he offered a stark warning about the consequences facing the commonwealth if it does not adopt his $33 billion spending plan for 2016-17.
Wolf said Pennsylvania’s finances are a “ticking time bomb” and the failure to pass a “responsible” spending plan could plunge the commonwealth into a financial crisis.
“If you won’t face up to the reality of the situation we’re in,” Wolf said in his sharpest words that were aimed at House Republicans, “if you ignore that time bomb ticking … if you won’t take seriously your responsibility to the people of Pennsylvania — then find another job.”
Some portions of Wolf’s speech were met with boos from the Republican-controlled House, highlighting the political gridlock that continues to delay the passage of last year’s budget by more than seven months. The 2015-16 budget was due last summer and it has inched forward to the point where that spending plan is about 90 percent finished, according to GOP lawmakers.
“The problem is not that Republicans in the General Assembly and I don’t see eye-to-eye,” Wolf said. “No, this crisis is not about politics at all. This is about math.”
Loud booing during the budget address doesn’t exactly make me feel hopeful for a compromise #PAbudget
— Jacob Waters (@jacobwaters) February 9, 2016
Pennsylvania faces a $2 billion budget deficit, and Wolf said the only way to dig out from that hole is to increase spending on things like public education. Those investments would necessitate almost $3 billion in tax hikes.
“Pennsylvanians need to prepare for these consequences,” Wolf said. “And I do not say this with any joy whatsoever. But someone in Harrisburg has to start telling the people of Pennsylvania the truth about the mess we’re in.”
I’m almost embarassed FOR @GovernorTomWolf for giving that speech. Almost. #pabudget
— Megan Sweeney (@MeganPSweeney) February 9, 2016
A day before addressing the House, Wolf penned an open letter to Pennsylvanians that foreshadowed steep

UP, UP AND AWAY: Proposed spending increased may saddle Pennsylvania families with an even bigger tax bill, according to House Republicans.
tax increases.
Wolf’s $32.7 billion budget is more than 11 percent bigger than the budget still being worked out from last year, according to Republican House Speaker Mike Turzai. The increase in spending would be the largest jump in 25 years and may represent a tax burden of more than $850 for a family of four.
“The governor didn’t even offer a vision,” Turzai said. “He didn’t even put forth the details with respect to his budget. There was no vision. Unfortunately, there was just fear mongering.”
.@GovernorTomWolf does not provide any details about next year’s budget address – whole speech takes on the House PA GOP BS #PAbudget
— Raging Chicken Press (@RCpress) February 9, 2016
Among the details of a doomsday financial situation facing Pennsylvania if a “responsible” budget is not passed, Wolf said the state would be forced to lay off more than 23,000 teachers, cut education and social programs and slash state services for the disabled, elderly and victims of domestic violence.
“I can accept that we disagree about the importance of education,” Wolf said. “I can accept that we disagree about the proper role of government in securing a more prosperous future for our Commonwealth. And I can accept that I won’t get my way on everything.
“But I can’t accept — Pennsylvania can’t afford — another irresponsible budget that ignores the fact of this fiscal crisis and pretends our problems don’t exist.”
House Republicans immediately chopped away at Wolf’s budget proposal, especially tax increases that would be a hard sell to their constituents, signaling what could be another protracted fiscal battle. Rep. Dave Reed, R-Indiana, said there is no chance Wolf’s budget is based in reality.
“Hard working people want to keep more of their money,” Turzai said. “With all due respect, I think the governor is out of touch.”
One more thing, PA has some where around 500 school districts, paying all of those administrators at their tiny kingdoms, when consolidation would improve services and save tax dollars. Ending mass incarceration would save at least a billion dollars, and that money would go towards education. The priorities of this cesspool commonwealth is up their asses.
Don’t tell me what you think I do with my time or what my income is as if that has any bearing on my humanity. Which I would say you have a profound deficit, like our archaic government in Harrisburg. You’re welcome. Anytime.
The biggest lie ever told, “spend your way out of a deficit.” In particular, government spending. Print more money! Oh, that’s right, states can’t do that.
As for Pink, you comment on every single story I ever visit on this website. It is obvious that you have no job and, therefore, pay no taxes. So, if you do have any spare change you are free to send it in to the government voluntarily. They accept these donations. I’m certain that the school district administration office will stay late waiting for you to deliver a gift or grant and, without doubt, will put it to worthwhile use.
Geez George, So sorry I am your New Hope Free Press buzz kill. Odd isn’t it that we read the same articles here. You obviously lead a very exciting life. Look I know Trump is your man, I know your ilk. But, George, Liberals always end up winning.
Oh for gosh sake, our taxes are so ridiculously low compared to surrounding states. PA is a greedy, heartless commonwealth. Our social services are totally inadequate, our prisons suck up too much money, our roads and bridges are unsafe, and the public schools are no better than they were in the 1800’s. Enough. Raise the taxes! Pass the freakin budget. Grow up.