New Hope Police Officer Dawn Haas and another LEO assist an apparently disoriented man on South Main Street at 8 p.m. on Sept. 8
Lambertville Police Department:
Case #15006170:
Matthew A. Shea, 25, of Saylorsburg, was arrested on Sept. 1 at 12:36AM for contempt.
While on routine patrol, Lt. Brown observed Shea driving erratically in the area of State Highway 29 and Mt. Hope Street. Lt. Brown stopped Shea on State Highway 29 in the area of Weeden Street. Subsequent to investigation, Shea was found to have an active warrant in the amount of $500 issued from the North Warren Municipal Court for failure to appear.
Shea was placed under arrest for the warrant. Shea was later released after a “release on own recognizance” had been placed on the bail with a pending court date.
Case #15006315:
Christopher D Cronin, 21, of Ewing, N.J., was arrested on Sept. 5 at 1:40 a.m. for DUI.
While on routine patrol, Lt. Brown observed Cronin driving erratically in the area of State Highway 29 and Weeden Street. Lt. Brown stopped Cronin on State Highway 29 near Towles Towing Service.
Subsequent to investigation, Cronin was arrested for DUI. Cronin was charged with DUI, improper use of high beams, and careless driving. Cronin was later released with a pending court date.
Case #15006362:
Virginia M. Siglin, 26, of Lambertville, was arrested on Sept. 6 at 1:14 a.m. for an active warrant.
While on routine patrol, Ptl. Pascoe observed Siglin’s vehicle driving erratically in the area of Perry Street. A random plate inquiry revealed Siglin had an active warrant issued by Montclair Township Municipal Court with bail set at $61.
Siglin was placed under arrest for the warrant. Siglin was unable to post bail, and a “release on own recognizance” was placed on the warrant. Siglin was issued a motor vehicle summons for delaying traffic, and later released with a pending court date.
Case #15006170:
Chad Thomas Foley, 42, of New Hope was arrested on Sept. 6 at 10:05 p.m. for multiple warrants.
New Jersey State Police contacted Ptl. Pasco and advised him Foley had been arrested on a traffic warrant issued from the Lambertville Municipal Court in the amount of $750. A second traffic warrant was found that had been issued by the Hopewell Township Municipal Court in the amount of $500.
Ptl. Pascoe took custody of Foley, who was unable to post bail. Foley was transported to the Hunterdon County Jail in default of bail.
(Information is provided by law enforcement officials, and is assumed accurate. All suspects and arrested persons are presumed not guilty unless proven guilty in a Court of Law or until such rights are waived by the accused.)
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