Ham Solo: Addison Rush of Always in a Rush Farm in Doylestown swept the competition by winning Champion Market Hog, Grand Champion Showman, and Reserve Champion Fitter
4-H members from all over Bucks County recently gathered at the Middletown Grange Fair to showcase their animal projects at the popular annual Wrightstown event.
There were over 500 animals at this year’s fair, say organizers, including alpacas, beef and dairy cattle, goats, rabbits and cavies, sheep, and swine. “There were no poultry competitions this year because of the state-wide ban on poultry exhibitions to prevent against Avian Influenza,” they said.
“Members worked with their animals all summer long to get themselves and their animals ready to enter these show rings. These members could be seen using every available hour washing, clipping, and otherwise beautifying their animals and when these animals entered the ring you, could tell that they were looking their very best,” according to the Bucks County 4-H folks.

Erin Wolfe of Doylestown won Best of Show in Dairy, while Sandra Krone of Fountainville was Reserve and also Champion Showman
“The work ethic of these youth and the banding together of 4-H volunteers is what really made the 2015 Middletown Grange Fair.”
For information on how to become a part of 4-H in Bucks County, call Penn State Cooperative Extension at (215) 345-3283.
The Grange is a grassroots, non-partisan, non-sectarian, fraternal organization with its roots in agriculture.
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