June 19, 2015 – At 3:05 p.m., police cited a 17-year-old from Trenton for retail theft after she reportedly removed a woman’s top, valued at $49, from a South Main Street store.

Case #15004607:
Christopher McDonnell, 19, of Furlong was arrested on July 9 as a result of a motor vehicle stop.
Ptl. Matthew Bast stopped McDonnell’s vehicle at 12:25 a.m. on Lambert Lane after it was allegedly observed acting suspiciously in a secluded area. Subsequent to the stop, McDonnell was reportedly found to be in possession of suspected marijuana (under 50 grams). McDonnell was charged with possession of CDS, and later released with a pending court date.
Case #15004860:
Eric S. Pirog, 39, of Newtown, and David M. Perrine, of Hillsborough, N.J., were both charged with urinating in public on July 18 at 1:45 a.m.
While on routine patrol, Lt. Brown observed Pirog and Perrine in the area of the Lambertville Station Restaurant. Both Pirog and Perrine were observed urinating on newly-planted shrubs near the restaurant’s parking lot. Subsequent to investigation both individuals admitted to urinating and charged accordingly. Both were later released with pending court dates.
Case #15004830:
Lawrence M. Tritel, 54, of Lambertville, reported his vehicle had been damaged sometime during the night. Tritel stated that he had parked his vehicle on Lilly Street on July 16. On July 17 at 8:32 a.m., Tritel returned to his vehicle and observed the driver’s side rear window had been shattered. The doors to the vehicle were locked and no items had been taken. Lt. Brown investigated.
Case #15004792:
David M. Goldberg, 23, of Lawrenceville, N.J. was arrested on July 15 at 11:46 p.m. for an active contempt warrant.
Ptl. Gramlich conducted a random plate inquiry of Goldberg’s vehicle. The inquiry revealed an active ATS warrant for Goldberg. The warrant was issued from the Lambertville Municipal Court in the amount of $500 dollars for failure to appear. Ptl. Gramlich stopped Goldberg in the area of Bridge Street and Kline’s Court. Goldberg was taken into custody and processed for the arrest. Goldberg was later released on his own recognizance on the warrant and given a new pending court date.
Case #15004792:
Craig A. Rura, 44, of Lambertville reported a theft of a bicycle on July 13 at 2:21 p.m. Rura stated on that on July 10 at 6:30 p.m., he noticed that his bicycle, a Gary Fisher hybrid mountain bike, royal blue in color, was missing from the front porch of his Coryell Street residence. There are no known suspects at this time. Ptl. Wurpel investigated.
Case #15004686:
On July 12 at 11:38 a.m., Cheryl L. Macdowall, owner of the Highlands Art Gallery, reported the theft of a Lawn Jockey overnight. Macdowall stated she normally puts the lawn jockey outside the gallery when she opens and places it back inside when she closes for the day. The lawn jockey is aluminum, painted yellow and black and, weighs 10 pounds. Ptl. Wurpel investigated.
Case #15004607:
Brian C. McDonnell, 19 of Furlong, PA was arrested on July 9, at 11:46 p.m. for possession of CDS.
While conducting property checks of the Lambertville Sewerage Authority and D&R Canal, Ptl. Bast observed a vehicle drive down towards the boat launch. The vehicle began to drive erratically after seeing Ptl. Bast’s marked patrol unit. Ptl. Bast stopped the vehicle in the area of Lambert lane. Subsequent to investigation McDonnell was found to be in possession of marijuana. McDonnell was placed under arrest and charged with possession of marijuana under 50 grams. McDonnell was later released with a pending court date.
(Information is provided by law enforcement officials, and is assumed accurate. All suspects and arrested persons are presumed not guilty unless proven guilty in a Court of Law or until such rights are waived by the accused.)
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