Around Town

Inaugural year for New Hope-Solebury varsity winter track & field team

New Hope-Solebury Winter Track & Field Team in training (Photo: Charlie Sahner)

New Hope-Solebury Winter Track & Field Team in training (Photo: Charlie Sahner)

The New Hope-Solebury winter track & field team’s first year in existence is well underway, and what a spirited bunch of kids.

New Hope-Solebury already has a cross country team competing during the fall months and traditional track and field team for the spring, but the formation of a winter team essentially allows student athletes to train outdoors to compete against other school districts with the indoor track facilities NH-S lacks.

The co-ed winter team was a rather organic creation, according to NH-S School District Athletic Director Ted Harrington. “The winter team developed through student interest as shown through formation of a club and through surveys done last year,” he said.

About the author

Charlie Sahner

“Once you can accept the universe as matter expanding into nothing that is something, wearing stripes with plaid comes easy." - Einstein


  • This is an article that should be shared with the New Hope Solebury School Board, the majority of whom are set to vote for a new $11-$14 million dollar gym claiming that the present two gyms for the middle school and and one for the high school are not large enough for the 900 HS and MS kids.The Board and their Supt. conveniently forget the fact that even in inclement weather students can use the outside facilities especially the track.

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