Around Town

New Hope pizza shop (dough)NATION looks cooked

doughnation new hope free pressThe New Hope pizza shop at 7 E. Bridge St. known as (dough)NATION appears to be done and not rising from the ashes anytime soon, according to interviews with neighbors (the owner was not immediately available for comment).

Those sources say that first responders addressing an electrical short and subsequent fire in an external box required rapid entry through the front door some time after the business had ceased operation. The doorway still bears signs of forced entry and has been secured, although the restaurant’s interior is undamaged.

Ironically, (dough)NATION made a tasty Trenton-style tomato pie, but success in that specific location has proved evasive for many of its predecessors — Frankie’s, Peace Out, and two pretzel shop incarnations, to name a few.

About the author

Charlie Sahner

“Once you can accept the universe as matter expanding into nothing that is something, wearing stripes with plaid comes easy." - Einstein

1 Comment

  • Slightly flippant for my taste. Someone invested a dream and a lot of money into trying to make a go of entrepreneurship in our town. Very difficult when we have a Federal gov’t that is anti-business and a local Chamber of Commerce that is principally interested in throwing parties and writing checks to themselves.

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